YTNObserver #1 Mining Yenten (YTN) on MacBook (updated)

Yenten Observer
4 min readFeb 6, 2021

Yenten coin (YTN) is one of the so called CPU friendly coins. Contrary to more popular coins a regular person can easily mine YTN coins on his home computer. In today’s article I’ll show you how to setup a mining machine on your home’s MacBook computer.

Mining Yenten on MacBook

Installing regular Yenten miner on MacBook is not an easy task. It requires deep developer experience and may take noticeable amount of time and energy. However, there is a easier way that I’ll share with readers in this article. Regular owner of the MacBook machine shall be capable of following the procedure in his own house. However there is one prerequisite — the reader shall have his own Yenten wallet as the mining process results in Yenten coins being transferred to the user’s wallet.

If you wish to have an article on wallet installation do let me know in comments.

Install Docker — the foundation for seamless mining

Let’s start with installation of the Docker application on MacBook. It will allow to install Yenten miner seamlessly, without interference with the MacBook system and applications. The reader shall download Docker application from Docker Hub website As I deeply respect my reader, I will not describe all minute details of Docker installation as it is described on many websites in the internet.

Having succeeded with Docker installation the reader shall start DockerApp on his MacBook and make sure that Docker is up and running.

Docker running on MacBook

Ubuntu and cpuminer YTN mining power horse

Now it’s time for the mining part. As Yenten is a coin powered by the yespowerr16 algorithm there are a couple of miners supporting this algorithm. In this article CPU miner will be used as of writing of this article it is one of the most popular one. The reader should focus in this part as it will require a couple of so called command line operations in order to succeed.

So let’s start with yenten-miner installation on top of Docker. We will start with Ubuntu setup. The reader may start the Terminal App in his MacBook and follow this instruction

docker run -it --name yenten-miner ubuntu:bionic

It may take a while as it will install the Linux Ubuntu operating system in the Docker on your MacBook. Be not afraid, it will not interfere with your MacBook at all and it won’t use much of the computer’s memory nor storage.

When completed you will be inside your Ubuntu yenten-miner installation. Now it’s time for the second, the last, step of the process. Mainly the installation of the cpu miner software. Happily there is a ready made port for the Ubuntu operating system so no code compilation is necessary. The reader should only enter following instructions into his Ubuntu yenten-miner command line.

wget ; tar zxvf Cpuminer-opt-cpupower-linux64.tar.gz ; nohup ./cpuminer -a yespowerr16 -o stratum+tcp:// -u __YOUR_YENTEN_WALLET_PUBLIC_KEY >> miner.log & tail -f miner.log

Updated — as the wget command is not installed one shall invoke

sudo apt-get install wget


Please note, that this is the moment where the avid reader must use his Yenten wallet public address — just substitute the phrase


with your Yenten wallet’s public address.

As a result of the procedure the reader shall see following confirmation in his terminal which means that mining process has fully started.

[2021-02-06 19:47:12] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://[2021-02-06 19:47:12] 4 miner threads started, using 'yespowerr16' algorithm.[2021-02-06 19:47:12] Stratum difficulty set to 0.2[2021-02-06 19:47:19] Share submitted.[2021-02-06 19:47:19] CPU #2: 486 H, 178.47 H/s

Payday arrival

Yenten Coins arriving at reader’s wallet

After a while your MacBook should start heavy computations (notice the loud sound of the computer fan) and within couple of hours the reader shall notice Yenten coins arriving on her wallet. As of today the regular person can mine a couple of Yentens a day so for sure it’s worth trying.

More info

Want to lear more about Yenten (YTN) coin? Subscribe to YentenObserver or visit vivid community pages at

(Update) Docker vs Barebone MacBook Yenten miner performance

JackMx, Yenten community participant, made a remark on the MacBook miner limited performance. We reached out to him and hope that he can devote his precious time and make an article so we can share details in the upcoming issues of the magazine.

In the upcoming issue

In the upcoming #2 issue of YTNObserver we are working on a little surprise topic. Did you ever wonder how to make an economic and quiet Yenten miner for beginners? Also we will provide a glance on the extraordinary and outstanding recent YTN transactions.

Stay tuned.

Previous issues of the YTN Observer magazine

March 2021

Feb 2021



Yenten Observer

Cryptocurrency freak. Freedom, ecology and free market above all.